Derek Taylor Shayne is: “16:9 Sunset Blvd.” In this comedy spoof, an aging pratfall comic rails against the coming of widescreen movies. (2009) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmail DTS Films You may also like Derek Taylor Shayne as: “Breaking Even” Derek Taylor Shayne as: “Cheating Honestly” Derek Taylor Shayne is: “Smarten Up!” Derek Taylor Shayne as: “Sunnyside Down” Derek Taylor Shayne as: “Let It Slide” Derek Taylor Shayne as: “Slightly Nuts” “Ghost of the Invisible Spook” “Bride of the Ghost of the Invisible Spook” “Son of the Ghost of the Invisible Spook” Derek Taylor Shayne is: “All This, and Nothing Too” «1234»Page 3 of 4Like this:Like Loading...