“Son of the Ghost of the Invisible Spook” In the final installment of the Ghost Trilogy, DTS returns to Ed Woods, this time confronting the precocious offspring of the Ghost and the Bride. (2014) Share this:TwitterFacebookEmail DTS Films You may also like Derek Taylor Shayne as: “THINK AGAIN” “THINK AGAIN” Official Promo! DTS Entertainment’s Favorite Moments – Vol. Two! Shayne of the Jungle 2: The Search For Potts Shayne of the Jungle 2: The Search for Potts – Official Trailer DTS-Entertainment Now On Roku TV! “It Came From Beneath The Beyond” Derek Taylor Shayne is: “16:9 Sunset Blvd.” “A Potshot in the Dark” DTS Favorite Moments: Volume One 123…5»Page 1 of 5Like this:Like Loading...